
Showing posts from December, 2021

DAY 3: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

I actually have played Oblivion before. It's one of the ones that's on here not because I've never played it, but because I played all of an hour the first time before I left, and I think half of that was trying to create a character that wasn't entirely hideous. I guess I must've given up on that eventually.  I have almost 300 hours in Skyrim. I'm a big fan of games where you can just kind of sod off to one side of the map and do literally anything but your task. I love chasing a deer and then suddenly you're very, very lost. One of the main ways I stayed sane early 2020 was by exploring Skyrim. This game is baffling to me. Look, it's from 2006. I understand. It shows. I'm not giving up on the game yet, especially because I know it's popular, but there's a few things that are getting to me with this one. First thing: the brutally bad graphics. Okay, I'll admit - the enviorment is nice. The resolution isn't even THAT bad once I turned

DAY 2: Detroit: Become Human

 Day two has offered us Detroit Become Human! Honestly I was really excited for this game. It's one of my most recent purchases, picked up in a sale a few months ago along with Transistor (which we might be seeing later in the's in the box). It looked exactly like the kind of game I'd adore. ...I think it might be. I've been having a great time with this game so far. The graphics, the characters, the morals, the story, did I mention the GRAPHICS? I'm pretty sure this game has better graphics than my eyes do. As of the time writing this, I've played 2.1 hours of this game and I've had an absolutely stellar time with it thus far. The concept behind the game, for anyone out of the know, is that society is now heavily reliant on androids, who look just like humans, are intelligent and concious, and are used for...well, everything, really. The shader compilation download screen boasts a range of AI, with uses spanning from housekeeping, protection and

DAY 1: Pokemon Sword

 Day 1 was Pokemon Sword! This one wasn't in my container. It wasn't even on the list. This one I just kinda pulled out of my switch case at midnight and decided to bring for a spin. I'd estimate I played around an hour of this. In that time I got started with the story, remembered how much I love Wooloos, and chose myself a starter pokemon. Which I spent like 20 minutes doing, because they pretty much all grow up to be varying shades of ugly. Lucky me! Honestly, what WAS Nintendo thinking with those ones? I mean, the final evo of the water type looks like a scaly. BASE THOUGHTS: This game feels so nostalgic. I know a lot of people take issue with the outdated sound effects in contrast with the new, crisp graphics, but the sounds make me happy. The music, the sounds, it's all just my childhood, really. It feels exactly like a Pokemon game, and that's a good thing. Now I just need to get myself a Lucario... GRAPHICS: The graphics are actually super pretty. Better tha

Games of Christmas -- what is it?

 There's a pretty solid chance no one will ever see this. Oh well, might as well give anyone who DOES find this something, even if it's just me from the future. Every year I do this thing, like an advent calendar, but with games. These aren't new games; these are games I've owned for ages. Things I've bought in sales, or on impulse. Usually, anything goes, but this year...this year, I'm only going to be playing games I've either never played before or only played a tiny amount of. So, what I'm doing is this. I have 25-30 game names printed out and sitting in a little container. Each day I'm going to draw one from the container, and I'm going to play it. Then, I'm going to share my thoughts on it. Good? Good. Let the games begin