DAY 1: Pokemon Sword

 Day 1 was Pokemon Sword!

This one wasn't in my container. It wasn't even on the list. This one I just kinda pulled out of my switch case at midnight and decided to bring for a spin.

I'd estimate I played around an hour of this. In that time I got started with the story, remembered how much I love Wooloos, and chose myself a starter pokemon. Which I spent like 20 minutes doing, because they pretty much all grow up to be varying shades of ugly. Lucky me!

Honestly, what WAS Nintendo thinking with those ones? I mean, the final evo of the water type looks like a scaly.

BASE THOUGHTS: This game feels so nostalgic. I know a lot of people take issue with the outdated sound effects in contrast with the new, crisp graphics, but the sounds make me happy. The music, the sounds, it's all just my childhood, really. It feels exactly like a Pokemon game, and that's a good thing.

Now I just need to get myself a Lucario...

GRAPHICS: The graphics are actually super pretty. Better than all previous pokemon games. Also, seeing the Wooloos in full 3D render makes it all worthwile. I genuinely really like the aesthetic of it all

CHARACTERS: The champion dresses like an idiot, but we don't hold that against him. I've met like 4 chars, one of which is my protagonist, so I can't really say much on most people. I do think it's interesting that your rival, Hop, chooses the type you're strong to - typically, they choose your weakness. But I guess he does outnumber me, so there's that.

WILL I PLAY MORE?: Yes. Easy yes. Pokemon's a classic, I have no qualms about going on another Pokemon journey and getting back into the franchise, especially with the new one out (is it out? is it coming out? Either way)

RATING THUS FAR: 4/5, it's Pokemon. Can't go wrong with Pokemon
